Welcome to Engaging Communities! You can access this digital text in multiple ways. To read online, select the chapters you would like to access from the menu on the right. On mobile devices, click the pages menu button to access the full chapter/module menu.
We recommend that you start checking out the text with the Introduction to get a sense of what it is all about. Chapters 1-6 offer a barebones structure for ethnographic writing in a research classroom. Those chapters are available here, in a mobile version of this site, and as downloadable e-pub.
The supplemental modules enrich the six chapters in a variety of ways and can be accessed from the Supplemental Modules page. In the mobile version, that page is available at the bottom of the menu.
Click the this link to download a free e-pub version of the text or to purchase a print version (at cost for printing – $7.36 plus shipping). To read the e-pub edition after you download it, you will need a free e-book reader application, like iBook for Apple mobile products or an e-reader software like Sony’s e-reader or Adobe Digital Editions.
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