How to Become a Contributing Author

We want you to join us in this collaborative, open-access text project.  We have a “bring what you know,” build, adapt, and remix philosophy for this project, so we are looking for any teaching materials you have created (assignments, new chapters, adaptations of exisiting assignments and chapters, etc.) as well as examples of student work from any aspect the text, that you would like to share. In this way, we envision the continual development of a wealth of materials for classroom use, drawing from the experience and expertise of our teaching and learning community (see the footer area of this page for current contributors)

We ask that every contributor (including students submitting sample work) complete an Informed Consent and Submission Form. At this point, we need the signed forms returned in hard copy form, though we are working on a system for electronic verification of consent. The materials you would like to submit can be sent via email to:

If you have any questions about the consent or submission process, please contact Suzanne Blum Malley, sbmalley [at]

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